j h h l . n e t
A network of digital arts.
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Daily Vapor picture #14

This is a sample picture from the Daily Vapor(20050218-00058.jpg). It changes whenever this page is refreshed.

  • Click here for the Daily Vapor. I used to make one new Vapor Paint picture or animation a day. Some of these were also be taken or adapted from my vast collection of Vapor Paint control files dating back to 1990.
    I'm told these make nice background pictures!
  • I'm a member of the band Mamalama, a band playing earthly and unearthly music. We have 3 CDs and play around the Hudson Valley. Also the core of "Seeds Under Nuclear Winter: An Earth Opera".
  • I'm also part of the Catskill Mountian Gamelan. which is also in the Earth Opera.
  • Click here for the collection of Top Ten Imaginary Sound Events lists.
  • Click here for the amazing ToneSpiral online harmonics exploration tool.
  • Click here for the Lost Chord Player, a low beating tone.
  • Click here for GamScore, the Sundanese Gamelan Score system webapp.
  • Click here for the aumiapp.com, the AUMI website! Now featuring the AUMI book "Improvising Across Abilities"
  • Click here for the Haptician.org website: music without sound!
  • Click here for the AcousticModularSynth.com wiki (on Github)
  • Click here for some music and audio by me and from my collection

  • Click here for information about my many iOs Apps.
  • Click here for information about my Powers Of One video, a video response to "Powers Of Ten"
  • Click here for information about Love Is So Sweet, a short animation for Valentine's Day.
  • Click here for information about Delicious Evening, a multimedia performance, with animation, poetry and interactive audio.
Upcoming , Ongoing and Former Art Shows
November 22: Song: "Another Pleasant Spaceship Journey" with Krys O. Midnight Matinee's "Planet of the Monkees"
August 30: Song: "Blame it on the Added Sugar" with Krys O. Midnight Matinee's "Cereal Mom"
August: Radio show on Large Language on Soundforms: Classical Music and Beyond, Radio Kingston (WKNY) with host Peter Wetzler! Sound Forms, August 11, 2024 https://jhhl.net/r/rkll
July: 40+ year old short stories read and discussed on "the Strange Recital" podcast. "Stories in a Clouded Mirror"
May: AUMI book "Improvising Across Abilities" presentation : here's the posters, Facebook has videos.
February: Microtonal commentary and a little bit of my own stuff on Soundforms: Classical Music and Beyond, Radio Kingston (WKNY) with host Peter Wetzler: SoundForms, February 18, 2024 https://jhhl.net/r/rkmicro.
Started the project Large Language , little pieces that are mostly written by GPT-2, spoken by elevenlabs, and music provided by me or various music bots (Suno, Udio, Riffusion, StableAudio)
April: Songs and Backing vocals for MASHville, a Midnight Matinee show combining the Robert Altman movies M*A*S*H and Nashville, April 1, 2023: https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/126192.
January: Remixes for the "DiarRhemix" contest on Ken Freedman's show,
April: "Free Bird" cover by The Jazz Kissingers, played by Ken Freedman, April 6, 2022: https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/114286
March: "Am I Falling In Love?" (from "rerouting...") and "When He Comes" (from "roaming on"), instrumental tracks on these Camden Joy albums: https://camdenjoy.bandcamp.com
April: "Willow by the Lake", a mysterious folk song fromUnder Dead Water, a spin-off of the podcast Mandible Judy.
March: Party Girls remixes on Ken Freedman's "Party Girls Remixes" CD, a benefit compilation for WFMU. I provided Ken with the isolated narration that I and others used for their remixes.
September: Interview in the now defunct Sound Bytes Magazine by Warren Burt on my software and musical ideas.
August: 'The Lost Chord' is part of Ergo Phizmiz' The Dimbola Mikado. In a related project, "Dum Fizz" is one of the remixes in Dimbola Mikado Remix Album
March: A track, "Lowenji", on "Mindfulness for Jerkoffs", a benefit cassette for WFMU.
March: Two versions of "Ostriches" with Kurt Gottshalk, a benefit CD for WFMU
September: My transcription for string trio of part of Chance The Rapper's 'Do You Remember' for my niece Elise's wedding Sept 21 2019
February: Collaboration with Ranjit Bhatnagar "Wrenches"
April 30: Welcome To My Parlor at the Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, Poughkeepsie, NY for Cocoon Theatre's soirée series. Cautionary and tragic songs and poems, joined by Brian Dewan on accordion and autoharp.
March 26: Equinox at the Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, Poughkeepsie, NY for Cocoon Theatre's soirée series. Cloud music for longer days - drones and artificial speech, with Craig Chin.Here is it recorded on the Errant Space Podcast.
February: Collaboration with Ranjit Bhatnagar "Untitled with Enumero"
Protest and Politics: Chuncheon Korea protest remix
March: PARLOR-Y PARLOR at the Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, Poughkeepsie, NY for Cocoon Theatre's soirée series. Period songs and poems, joined by Brian Dewan on accordion and autoharp.
June: LOOMIS CHAFFEE 1974 ALUMNI ART SHOW at the Mercy Gallery, curated by Keith Raphael. I had a wall of Vapor Paint prints, SX-70 /postcard pieces and a video presentation showing two animated pieces from 1974.
September/October: THE IMAGINARY APP curated by Paul "DJ Spooky" Miller and Svitlana Matviyenko. I have two apps in this show. It's been shown in London, Ontario and Arlington, VA, and NYC.
January: POWERS OF ONE over at Core 77.
Read about former shows and artwork in my biography section

Visit my more general website, http://www.echo.net/~jhhl/ .

© 2004-2024 Henry Lowengard.