New Gadget Madly In Hope
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On: 28 March 2014
PolyHarp is coming
New App I am working on
My guess is that very few people read this - they are all out on FaceBook .. but anyway, I'm working on a new app very feverishly . (I should be working on old apps, but there are things I want to try out).
Anyway, it's called PolyHarp, and it's kind of a update to my old Amiga program LYR. LYR was an Amiga based autoharp simulator.
It played MIDI synthesizers and had some pretty bizarre chords and features, including a strum sequencer.But LYR never got to a stage where it was user configureable.
The main differences are:
- iPad only .. it's too big for a iPhone.
- synthesized, not MIDI. that means chords can be made of any musical intervals, not just those in a 12EDO scale.
- "strings" on the harp correspond to the strings of the chords.
- of course any chord setup can be transposed.
- you can make up polyharps with a great number of chords
- you can layout the chord buttons all over the screen
- a chord bar is a collection of intervals which themselves are transposed by a relative interval, which is resolved to a base "key"
- strings are resolved within an adjustable frequency range.
Thus, if your Base key (frequency really) is an F, a "IM" chord becomes an "FM", a "V7" chord is "C7". but there are vast numbers of new chords to be made,
like ones with other equal temperaments, or just ratios, equal divisions of other intervals, or merely cents.
You can compare variations on the same chord. The chord bar intervals are specified with the good old tonality spiral used in Droneo.
Audiobus support will help it along!
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