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The Daily Vapor
31 March 2005
Oversee Undersea
images and lofting make up the textures in this frame.
I'd like to put a lot more detail in this picture.
27 March 2005
Tree Walker
Another moldy oldie animated scene!
Tree Walker
[Read More!]
This is another old animation, trying to get back to the classic
traditional subjects of painting.
25 March 2005
Glow Worms
They appear and disappear!
glow worms
Roto Ray
Vapor can flip arbitrary drawn images without making in betweens, which
is good for rotoscoping messy images. Ray shot some video today featuring
a few grimages of his, so I thought I'd try them out.
Roto Ray
21 March 2005
Behind Me in a Waterfall?
This is a scene from Delicious Evening, but with the "gouache crayon creation",
who is doing the laundry, standing before the waterfall, which actually has nothing behind it.
Actually, it looks like there is more water behind the waterfall.
Behind me in a waterfall?
More frigidness from Acit Cràt Ná.
20 March 2005
Not just Christo!
note: little frame counter in the corner!
19 March 2005
Water Rise
I'm trying to combine a sunrise and an ocean wave into the same scene,
while also experimenting with a panoramic format, and a combination of perlin and
gaussian texturing.
17 March 2005
Blue Green Sea-like image
Gaussian Blue and green - in this movie they are movine quickly, but if pressed to re-render it, I'd do it a lot slower, perhaps with some of those krill or seven-legged shrimp!
blue green
Color Fan
A fan of color - the same technology can make a shimmering wall.
Color Fan
16 March 2005
From Bill Rabinovitch's WEEPING WOMEN, shown on his public access TV show "Art Seen" many years ago:
A Famous Artist's work lightly animated
15 March 2005
14 March 2005
blue and grid
blue blobs and moving grid
12 March 2005
calligraphy, simply expanding the width of the strokes and the ransparency of the ink.
More interesting" versions of this will have more out-of synchedness.
11 March 2005
Boughs - part of an animation for jhhl.net
09 March 2005
Here, I'm experimenting with shadowy animation.
08 March 2005
Where that logo comes from
play the movie to find out!
07 March 2005
Sea Stars
in their undersea blurry world. This uses one of my fvorite tricks, randomizing the
times between key frames so copy and pasted drawings move similarly, but not really in synch.
Sea Stars
06 March 2005
Black on Black
Black on black - I'm going to experiment with some subtle color schemes.
Black on Black
05 March 2005
We saw
THE WILD PARROTS OF TELEGRAPH HILL yesterday, and I was interested in the
texture of their feathers.
03 March 2005
Teh classic dancing sack also tests image fill with image edge rendering,
and also extra motion blur (the clock is manipulated to blur more time than usual.)
Sack movie
02 March 2005
Jungle 3
Jungle 3, rescued from the past
Jungle 3
Krill from Acit Cr?t N?
Thre are a lot of krill in Antarctica, so here's an old krill I drew for the epic series
Acit Cr?t N?, (Antarctica pronounced backwards). The animation example features my old "whip pan".
01 March 2005
Here I Am at the Lake...