New Gadget Madly In Hope
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On: 03 January 2011
Tondo commentary
From Palm Sounds....
Marlene DeGrood said...
Watson come here I need you .... to help me get rid of all these chirping birds. Ok ... interesting app but I can't get past thinking that about birds.
12:07 AM
soundog said...
MdG, have you tried this app, or is your comment based on the video? It looks interesting to me. I really like this guys Droneo app and it remains in my Fave Music Stuff folder, as it doesn't dictate its use (not canned), has few boundaries, and opens up a lot of doors if you take the time to dig into it. Maybe I'll give it a go....
5:05 PM
Jhhl said...
Hi folks!
Well, you're right - Tondo _does_ sound like birds when it doesn't sound like Alexander Graham Bell and Samuel F. B. Morse. Which is another way of saying that within its fidelity range (admittedly low) it can sound like anything. I actually think Tondo sounds and looks more like a Regina Music box disk.
If you ever do get to thinking more about birds though, I heartily recommend Donald Kroodsma's THE SINGING LIFE OF BIRDS, wherein the author had a revelatory experience when viewing sonograms of bird songs. With this visualization of the songs, a kind of universal notation, he was able to document and analyze the variations in birdsongs among various populations of the same species and other research into ancient questions such as nature/nurture behaviors, evolutionary pressures on birdsongs etc. But I digress.
Tondo is not about sequencing or sampling, which have been adequately done by others in the past and have plenty of room for innovation in the future. Tondo doesn't make it particular easy to play Jingle Bells.
It's about exploring the molecules of sound, compositions, timbres and rhythms, and doing so with a pretty simple interface. Other programs will show you sonograms, but mine is the first - I think - that lets you paint them and hear them as you paint in real time on an iPhone. And, the radial display of the sonogram is unique to Tondo, well suited for visualizing loops.
posted at 13:30:53 on 01/03/11 2011
jhhlnet -
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