New Gadget Madly In Hope
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On: 11 November 2010
Droneo 1.2.2 is in the App Store!
Oh what fun - Droneo 1.2.2 is in the app store, ready do drone in the background under 4.x!
- Insects have more interesting envelopes
- A new type of Timbre class, the "Consorts", puts different timbres on each reed.
- other minor fixes and interface changes.
I'm thinking of taking all my Drone technology and re-imagining the interface to run the iPad, rather than updating Droneo and Srutibox.
It'd use the tone spiral as its main interface, and something else to control the "churn" features.
posted at 08:52:47 on 11/11/10 2010
jhhlnet -
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