New Gadget Madly In Hope

On: 07 February 2009

Sruti v1.2.1 images

Here's an idea of what v1.2.1 will probably look like:

V 1.2.1

I may tinker with the layout a little more and fix the new info and save icons up .

As you can see, Churn now can churn between timbres, making this app even less like a real srutibox.
It's good to go between a rich one and a thin one, or the variations of sines and organs and voice types.

There's a bit of a taste of it in the SrutiBox web site.

And, there's a different "ShrutiBox" app that looks more like the real thing - it needs that growl that the real boxes have.

It's a dollar cheaper than mine, but I think it'll be OK for Carnatic uses.

posted at 02:54:24 on 02/07/09 2009 by jhhlnet - Category: General


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