New Gadget Madly In Hope

On: 20 August 2008


TiltSynth is almost on its way in - I may change the synth algorithm though. The exciting part is that I've made a little OSC object and am sending OSC using it.

The OSC commands:
/[iphone id]/tiltsynth/xyz three floats of slewed x, y, z. 50 times a second.
/[iphone id]/tiltsynth/slew the slew value when it's changed.
/[iphone id]/tiltsynth/volume the volume level value when it's changed.
/[iphone id]/tiltsynth/freq the center frequency value when it's changed.

I may also be adding multi touch info - tapping, positions of fingers, etc (and work that into the synth).

posted at 17:31:20 on 08/20/08 2008 by jhhlnet - Category: General


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