New Gadget Madly In Hope

14 May 2009

Dr.PO and SrutiBox

Noted composer Pauline Oliveros is on tour in Europe and she's using SrutiBox in a number of interactive pieces!

This is coming soon!

Pauline Oliveros at Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music ? Droniphonia with iPHONES, Spatialization, Streaming environments and Multiple Instruments (2009) :: May 16, 2009;7:30 pm :: SARC, Harty Room and the Whitla Hall, Queen?s Unversity, Belfast.

Droniphonia is based on the iPHONE application Srutibox by Henry Lowengard with environmental streams from Locus Sonus. Concept by Pauline Oliveros. Droniphonia has polytonal drones continually morphing timbres, volumes and fundamentals moving in space. Networked musicians (Belfast, Banff and Troy NY) listen to the drones and develop gradually overlapping improvised sounds and phrases - first solo and then between two or three players at a time in a slowly growing density and texture. Different musical characters appear unexpectedly from time to time out of no where on a one time basis. Finally all players weave their way in and out of the droneophony sharing the unknown finale.

Players: Pedro Rebelo - iPHONE/piano :: Franziska Schroeder - soprano saxophone :: Gascia Ouzounian - violin :: Manuela Meier - accordion :: Justin Yang - saxophone :: Pauline Oliveros - iPHONE/bandoneon :: Doug Van Nort (Troy NY) - laptop :: Chris Chafe (Banff. Alberta) - iPHONE/celleto :: Spatialization and mix by Chris Corrigan.

If YOU have used SrutiBox, Droneo, Wind CHimes or Lake Piano in performance or in public... send me a note about it! And if you actually like these programs, a nice review is always appreciated!

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